Friday, January 20, 2012

WADA International Testing Standards

These are the rules that are to be applied regardless of the Sport being scrutinised !

" International Standard for Testing"

"World Anti-Doping Code International Standard for Testing is a mandatory International Standard (Level 2) developed as part of the World Anti-Doping Program."

Some excerpts from the WADA's International Standard for Testing:
Random Selection: Selection of Athletes for Testing which is not Target Testing. Random Selection may be: completely random (where no pre-determined criteria are considered, and Athletes are chosen arbitrarily from a list or pool of Athlete names); or weighted (where Athletes are ranked using pre-determined criteria in order to increase or decrease the chances of selection)...
Target Testing: Selection of Athletes for Testing where specific Athletes or groups of Athletes are selected on a non-random basis for Testing at a specified time...

4.3.9 The ADO [Anti-Doping Organization] shall ensure that the timing of Testing is planned to ensure optimum deterrence and detection of doping practices...

4.4.2 ADOs shall ensure that a significant amount of Testing undertaken pursuant to the Test Distribution Plan is Target Testing, based on the intelligent assessment of the risks of doping and the most effective use of resources to ensure optimum detection and deterrence. The factors that will be relevant to determining who should be made the subject of Target Testing will vary as between different sports, but could include (without limitation) some or all of the following factors:

a) Abnormal biological parameters (blood parameters, steroid profiles, etc);
b) Injury;
c) Withdrawal or absence from expected Competition;
d) Going into or coming out of retirement;
e) Behaviour indicating doping;
f) Sudden major improvements in performance;
g) Repeated failure to provide Whereabouts Filings;
h) Whereabouts Filings that may indicate a potential increase in the risk of doping, including moving to a remote location;
i) Athlete sport performance history;
j) Athlete age, e.g. approaching retirement, move from junior to senior level;
k) Athlete test history;
l) Athlete reinstatement after a period of Ineligibility;
m) Financial incentives for improved performance, such as prize money or sponsorship opportunities;
n) Athlete association with a third party such as coach or doctor with a history of involvement in doping; and o) Reliable information from a third party.

4.4.3 Testing which is not Target Testing shall be determined by Random Selection, which shall be conducted using a documented system for such selection. Random Selection which is weighted shall be conducted according to clear criteria and may take into account the factors listed in Clause 4.4.2 (as applicable) in order to ensure that a greater percentage of ‘at risk’ Athletes is selected.

One wonders how many Sports observe theses rules correctly ?

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